When Holly Cole sang her cool jazzy rendition of Johnny Nash's, "I Can See Clearly Now", at the Holiday Festival On Ice held at the Langley Events Centre, it gave me chills up my spine.
As much as the night was frustrating for me as a photographer trying to get some recognition, it was also just as inspiring. I thought of my beloved grandmother, affectionately known as Betty to most, who absolutely loved figure skating and jazz.
On one of my last visits with her before she
passed on from this material world, she laid on her hospice bed and proudly addressed me to the other family members in the room as Dan Brodie...the Photographer. I shrugged it off like I do with almost any type of compliment. Who I was or what I did, was the last thing I cared about at the moment I was about to lose one of, if not the most important and influential people in my life, but during that performance, I knew whole-heartedly that I was indeed a photographer and that I was being lifted by my grandmother's ever-lasting spirit.